Friday, February 15, 2008

Cancer is a word, not a sentence. ~ John Diamond

Needless to say I have just seen Phil Borges present his work to us at Barefoot and I feel a little awakened and somewhat inspired. I feel quite strongly about the recent work I have began... this time its more about the people than the work. Perhaps that's how it always should be.
The Cancer Hospital, Maharagama is in a sorry state. While its got its handful of brave doctors and caregivers, it needs so much much more. I hope this works helps... somewhere, someway... To view the entire set please visit


Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty strong, amazing pictures. Has anybody suggested perhaps drawing a fundraising campaign around them?

Anonymous said...

I had to spead a night in this hospital as the Doctors thought that I needed chemo to treat my cancer. Later they decided I needed rey treatment and I was treated on a daily basis which has helped me.

The worse that I experienced was the toilets. Actually its very,very,very bad and u cannot blame anyone as each ward has double the number of patients than they could handle. There are no seats at all, no wash basins in many and getting close is not possible.But you are compelled to use the toilets.

There are a lot of organizations that come and provide meals and clean the place up on a reguler basis, but I feel the problem is that it is not a coordinated effort so each person is doing a bit and it does not help the whole hospital in a very significant way.The new OPD has helped the out patients in a great way since its more spacious and gives a more relaxed feel in a big way.

I hope you or some organizations could bring some attention to the hospital, its many patients and its great and wonderful staff who are doing a great service so silently.

Thanks for shedding some light on this unspoken but tragic and silent illness.

May GOD BLESS you in your journey.

Atticus said...

Great work Alefiya. I especially liked the two kids, and the old man looking sideways at the camera. If a good cancer charity in SL has an outreach program, they may find these images very useful.

I'm grateful that there are artists like you, who focus not only on what sells, but also on burning issues and people in need.

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